
Access Engineering Concludes 2015-16 on Solid Ground

Access Engineering PLC wrapped up the FY 2015/2016, with a solid performance.

At a Group level cumulative revenue for the year 2015-16 was recorded at Rs. 17.6 billion, a growth of approximately 7% over the previous year. At a company level this was recorded at Rs. 11.6 Bn, a marginal growth of 3.2% over the corresponding cumulative period. A salient feature during the period is the 38% growth recorded by the production of construction related material contributing Rs. 1.5 Bn to company’s top line after the elimination of inter-segment revenue.

During the quarter ended March 31, 2016 revenue was recorded at Rs. 4.5 Bn & Rs. 3 Bn respectively at Group & Company level. The average gross profit margins at the Group & Company level for both the cumulative period & the quarter were well above 20%.

Total Comprehensive Income After Tax for the Group & the Company for the FY 2015-16 recorded at Rs. 2.5 Bn & Rs. 2.1 Bn is a growth of 6.5% & 19.7% respectively.

During the FY 2015-16, the company’s 100% owned subsidiary Access Realties (Private) Limited generated a profit before interest and tax of Rs 152.2 million while it’s 84% owned subsidiary Sathosa Motors PLC generated a PBIT of Rs 471.6 million. The 80% owned Access Projects (Private) Limited generated a PBIT of Rs 250.1 million and the contribution from the Company’s Associates amounted to be approximately Rs 10.1 million.

As at for 31st March 2016, the total asset base of the company amounted to Rs 30.3 Bn and Rs 25.2 Bn at Group and Company level respectively. The equity attributed to the owners of the company was recorded at Rs 17.4 Bn at the Group level while it was Rs 15.9 Bn at Company level. This had been translated in to a Net asset per share of Rs 17.46 at Group level and Rs 15.94 at Company level.

The Company declared a final dividend of Rs. 0.50 per share on 25th May 2016 which is payable on 14th June 2016. This is in addition to the interim dividend declared and paid in December 2015 amounting to another Rs. 0.50 per share.

The Board of Directors of Access Engineering PLC comprises of Sumal Perera, Chairman, Christopher Joshua, Managing Director, Rohana Fernando (COO), Shevantha Mendis, Dharshana Munasinghe, Dilhan Perera, Ranjan Gomez, Professor, Malik Ranasinghe, Niroshan Gunaratne and Dinesh Weerakkody.