
Access Engineering making swift progress in construction of Central Expressway

The National Master Plan for 2007-2017 of the Government of Sri Lanka recognized inter alia; the Central Expressway as one of the key expressways to be developed considering the long term economical and transportation benefit that the development inherits. The project was initiated by the Road Development Authority under the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Highways (MoHEH).

The Central Expressway from Kadawatha – Dambulla and the link Expressway from Pothuhera – Galagedara with the Highway link to Ambepussa is the 4th Expressway of Sri Lanka which will connect the major cities such as Gampaha, Veyangoda, Meerigama, Pothuhera, Kurunagala, rideegama, Melsiripura, Galewela, Dambulla, Rambukkana and Galagedara.

The development of the Central Expressway (CEP) which spreads along a total length of 169.53km is executed under four sections namely, Sections 1 : Kadawatha (0.0km) to Meerigama (37.1km), Section 2 : Meerigama (37.1km) to Kurunagala (76.8km), Section 3 : Pothuhera (0.0km) to Galagedara (32.5km) and Section 4 : Kurunagala (76.8 km) to Dambulla (137.1km).

The total section of CEP-2; from Meerigama – Kurungala, which is 39.7km long is subdivided and each section is awarded to contractor consortiums which are selected from the pre-qualified local contractors. Package-A of CEP-2 which is 9.71km is entrusted to the Contractor Consortium; ICC-ACCESS-(NAWALOKA-KDESH Jv). Out of the total stretch of 9.71km, the construction of CH 38+927 to CH 40+430 and CH 40+730 to CH 46+800 is entrusted to Access Engineering PLC

The scope of the work includes construction of 3.633km two way divided expressway with four lanes having hard shoulders and soft shoulders from either side with a centre median, 07 No. of culverts, 03 No. of underpasses, 01 No. bridge and a 1.23 km long viaduct. The project also includes 458,590 m3 of earth works.

Land acquisition and 65% of the total work entrusted to Access Engineering is now completed, and the respective utility shifting activities are soon to be completed. In terms of structures, culvert construction, installation of 32 1.2 m diameter piles and 160 1.8m diameter piles are completed. In terms of roadworks, 92% of the earthworks are completed, the laying of aggregate base course, embankment turfing, slope protection, and drainage works have commenced, and are under construction.

Due to the extensive land acquisitions involved in the project, which create multiple benefits as well as inconveniences to the livelihood and local economy, a comprehensive resettlement action plan (RAP) for both permanent and temporary relocation of families and institutions is implemented by the Road Development Authority.

Construction of Central Expressway Project Section – 2 , Package – A work in progress