
Access Engineering nearing completion of Vavuniya-Horowpathana Road rehabilitation

Access Engineering PLC, keeping abreast of the national objective towards establishing normalcy in the conflict afflicted areas in the Northern and Eastern provinces through good road geometrics is rehabilitating an 11 km road section from Vavuniya (5+000 km) towards Kebithigollewa (16+000 km) of Vavuniya-Horowpathana (A029) Road.

This section of the A029 road, which traverses across residential areas as well as Karunkalikulam Forest Reserve, was identified as an important road section to be rehabilitated in order to increase the transportation efficiency within Kebithigollewa Town and also between Kebithigollewa and Vavuniya.

Additionally this road section being one of the main roads to connect Kandy-Jaffna (A009) and Puttalum-Anuradhapura-Trincomalee (A012) roads, it was proposed to be improved in to a two-lane carriageway under the patronage of additional Financing of Asian Development Bank towards the Northern Road Connectivity Project.

Under the scope of this project, 3.1 m carriageway is rehabilitated along with 1m wide hard and soft shoulders across 11km long road section. The project also includes rehabilitation of road drainage infrastructure (27 nos of culverts) and junction improvement works which consist of rehabilitating 1 km road section in Vayuniya township, 3.5 m carriageway with 1.5 m footpath on either side of the carriageway and adequate parking where necessary.

“In the working sections of the road, appropriate measures are taken to minimise the disturbances occurring to the road side residents. Once completed in June 2016 the road will significantly reduce the travel time while gradually spurring industrial development along the corridor,” said Project Manager of the Rehabilitation of Vavuniya- Horowpathana Road Project Sasanka Weerakoon.

Mr. Sasanka Weerakoon.; Project Manager of the Rehabilitation of Vavuniya- Horowupathana Road Project.

Rehabilitation work of Vavuniya- Horowupathana Road Project is nearing completion