
Access Engineering PLC demonstrates its capability in Steel Structure Fabrication & Erection

Access Engineering PLC; one of the foremost engineering enterprises in Sri Lanka is scoring a remarkable and noticeable progress in steel structure fabrication sector in civil engineering industry with its involvement towards the civil works and steel structure fabrication & erection works related to modification to the existing cement unloading and conveying system at Ultratech Cement Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.

Access Engineering was awarded the main contract works of the project and the scope of the project includes the erection of a steel superstructure which is of 50m in height and 280 MT in weight and the construction of the basement and the ground floor structures. Basement floor situates 5.25 m below the ground level and the ground floor structure is 6 m high above the ground level

“A part of the project required 5.5m deep excavation to be done which was extremely challenging as the excavation had proceeded beside heavy water seepage” stated Mr. Jeewaka Dahanayake; the Contractor’s Project Manager of the project. “Yet the construction crew was working through hard weather conditions while adhering to numerous environmental regulations to complete this task on time” he further added.

Once completed, the power consumption of the plant will be reduced to 200kW from the initial power consumption of 800kW. The pumping efficiency of the system will also be increased by 30% leaving the pumping duration and the port cement ship handling time to be reduced significantly. Completion of modification to existing cement unloading and conveying system will result in minimized noise and dust generation within the area.

Mr. Jeewaka Dahayanaka ; Project Manager – Project for modifying the cement unloading and conveying system at Ultratech Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.

Civil works and steel structure fabrication & erection works related to modification to the existing cement unloading and conveying system at Ultratech Cement Lanka (Pvt) Ltd in progress