
Access Engineering receives CS2, the highest CIDA recognition

Access Engineering PLC; one of the foremost engineering enterprises in Sri Lanka, recently accredited with the highest national construction grading for three key engineering disciplines by CIDA (Construction Industry Development Authority) which is the apex accreditation institute for construction and engineering in Sri Lanka.

Established in 1989, CIDA; the successor to ICTAD registers the prospective contractors and evaluates their capabilities to determine their general ability to undertake different types and sizes of construction projects. The existing grading system gives a ‘snap shot’ of a contractors’ capacity in terms of finance, human resource, machinery and equipment. With the advancement of the construction industry and the progressive development of the contractors, the prevailing system was reviewed and two new grades were introduced namely ‘CS1’ & ‘CS2’.

The engagement of contractors in employing occupational safety officers & NVQ Staff, in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, their fulfillment of continuous competency development (CCD) are some of the new features introduced to the revised guideline for grading.

Since 2013, Access Engineering PLC continues to be the only local construction company in Sri Lanka to have the highest CIDA grading for the most number of engineering disciples.

And upon the revision of the grading system, Access Engineering was recognized with the ‘CS2’ grading’ for Building, Highway and Water Supply and Sewerage sectors. The construction of 1137 housing units for the relocation of underserved settlement project, Hambantota water supply project, Batticaloa water supply project, Kanadana water treatment plant extension project, Rehabilitation of Ambepussa – Kurunagala – Trincomalee (A06) and Kanthale – Perathuweli (B196) road project, Northern Road Rehabilitation Project are some of the key projects undertaken by Access Engineering under the above sectors.

Further to the updated grading system, Access Engineering holds C1 grading for Bridges, Irrigation and Drainage Canals, Dredging and Reclamation, Maritime Construction and GP – B1 grading for Pilling and EM -1 grading for Low Voltage Electrical Installations which covers telecommunication projects.