Access Engineering speeds up Ganemulla flyover construction

Access Engineering backed by experience and expertise in flyover construction in Sri Lanka, is making a swift progress in the Ganemulla flyover project to ease traffic in Ganemulla.

The project is spearheaded by the Road Development Authority and is funded by the Government of Spain. The design and the supply of the superstructure are entrusted to the main contractor; Centunion S. A of Spain and the design of sub structure, onsite fabrication, installation and erection are subcontracted to Access Engineering along with the construction of approach roads and associated civil works.

The project emerged as a permanent solution to the situation, involves the erection of a 256m long flyover which is comprised of 3.5m wide two lane carriageways and 1.2m wide two pedestrian ways. The flyover is built on a pile foundation and a seven span steel superstructure. The steel components of the super structure including piers, girders and decking are imported from Spain through the main contract and are available onsite ready to be installed.

The erection of steel bridge piers and onsite fabrication works including splicing of bridge beams are in progress and a significant percentage of the substructure of the development is now completed. The scope of the project also includes the construction of 330m long approach roads of which earth work is now commenced and progressing.

“As the development is progressing in the middle of a highly congested urbanity, Road Development Authority and Railway Authority are frequently consulted to ensure the operation progresses with minimum disturbance to the rail and vehicle traffic and the daily commuters of the neighbourhood,” Project Manager Jeewaka Dayanakaya said.

The present condition at the Ganemulla Railway Crossing