
Access making headway in Towns East of Colombo Water Supply Project

Access Engineering PLC is making headway in the supply and laying of water distribution pipe network in the Padukka & Seethawaka DS areas under the Towns East of Colombo District Water Supply Project implemented by National Water Supply and Drainage Board.

The project which aims to provide pipe borne water supply to an estimated population of 373,000 in the eastern part of the Colombo District is implemented through three contract packages. The contract Package I which was awarded to Access Engineering PLC includes the supply and laying of 1000mm diameter DI transmission pipes for a length of 4 km from Meepe to Meegoda and HDPE pipes of variable diameter as distribution mains for 200 km.

“Though pipes have to be laid beneath the public roads, the entire team is taking stringiest measures to ensure minimum disturbance is caused to the ground, public travel and the surrounding environment” said Madhawa Kapila Kumara ; Project Manager of Town East of Colombo Water Supply Project.

Funded by local banks, the project is to cover a total of 116Km2 which includes 40 Grama Niladhari Divisions under Seethawaka, Padukka and Horana divisional secretariat divisions.

Access Engineering is making a significant progress in the development of the project under two Project Management Divisions teams headed by Mr. Madhawa Kapila Kumara and Mr. Kapila Prasanna to meet the scheduled completion in early 2017.

Mr. Madhawa Kapila Kumara and Mr. Kapila Prasanna;

Co-Project Managers of Towns East of Colombo Water Supply Project

Towns East of Colombo Water Supply Project – Package I work in progress