Conversion of diesel engine driven RTG cranes into electricity driven gantries in full swing
ZPMC Lanka Company (Private) Limited; the joint venture between Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company Limited of China and Access Engineering PLC, in engaged in a contract for the conversion of 40 numbers of Diesel engine driven rubber tired gantry cranes (RTG) into electricity driven gantries (ERTG) at Colombo South Port operated by Colombo International Container Terminals Limited.
The design, manufacture and supply of Electricity driven gantry system was awarded to Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company Ltd (ZMPC) while construction, installation and commissioning was subcontracted to ZMPC Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.
The project was initiated by The Colombo International Container Terminals Ltd (CICT) with the objective of establishing a Green Port concept with a significant reduction of GHG emissions approximately by 45% and the reduction of cost per tons of equivalent units (Cost/TEU)
The scope of the work entrusted to ZPMC Lanka (Pvt) Ltd includes the construction of four numbers of convertor stations, a DC conductor bus bar system, modification of RTGs inclusive of installation of power trolleys, High voltage and Low voltage cable laying with termination work, and commissioning and handing over.
The execution of the project is to meet the tight time schedule is extremely challenging while the CICT terminal is full operation and the daily requirements of the RTGs should be provided while allocating only few RTGs for modification.
A qualified and well experienced set of Chinese technical experts are currently engaged in the construction and commissioning work along with the ZPMC Lanka engineering team to complete the commissioning work which is scheduled to be completed by October 2017.