Board of Directors

Rohana Fernando

Joining the AEL Group in 1998 as an Engineer based in the Engineering Division, he played a vital role in enabling the division to become a separate business entity, encompassing the name and persons of AEL. Having held Senior Management positions in AEL, he was appointed to the Board in 2002. In 2007, he was appointed as the Director/COO of AEL. He is a Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) and has a BSc Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Peradeniya. He is also a Director of Access International (Private) Limited, Eco-Friendly Power Developers (Private) Limited, Access Realties (Private) Limited, Access Realties 2 (Private) Limited, Harbour Village (Private) Limited, Access Projects (Pvt) Ltd., Sathosa Motors PLC, WUS Logistics (Private) Limited, ARL Elevate (Private) Limited and Lanka AAC (Pvt.) Ltd.