Production Plants

Supply of Ready-mix Concrete

Access Engineering operates 5 ready-mix concrete plants with a total installed capacity of 340m3/hr. We also install small-scale plants at project specific locations. While these plants were originally commissioned to cater to the demands of internal projects, the quality of the ready-mix concrete and reliability of our supply have helped secure several external customers too. One of the plants established in the outskirts of Colombo is supported by a fleet of modern machinery and equipment that includes a 60m3/hr Twin Shaft concrete batching plant, a water chiller plant with a capacity of 5,000 l/hr, a brand new 36m Boom pump car and 17m Boom pump car. All the plants are equipped with covered aggregate bins, cement storage silos, and computerized weigh bridges. Our delivery fleet consists of concrete mixer trucks, which have been outfitted with satellite tracking devices. The company also operates a fully-fledged laboratory to ensure the quality of its concrete products.