CSR Projects

Rehabilitation of Irrigation Works at Kebithigollewa and donations to Halmillawatiya Public School

The Kuda Nelugola Tank near Kebithigollewa had been abandoned for over thirty years. Rehabilitating this small tank enabled 15 farmers in the vicinity to resume cultivation of a ten-acre extent of adjacent paddy land.

We rehabilitated this tank to cater to the water needs of the villages. Additionally we installed a water-purification plant fed from a deep artesian well, complete with elevated storage tank and pump system, supplying the local community with potable water. The plant has a daily output of 5,000 L and benefit 125 families in the area.

As part of this community-development initiative, we also equipped the nearby Halmillawatiya Public School with textbooks, sport equipment, uniform ties and school badges, as well as a mini-drip irrigation system for the school vegetable garden.